Sentence examples of "suspicious transaction" in English

Country people are traditionally suspicious of strangers. Les gens de la campagne sont traditionnellement soupçonneux envers les étrangers.
I think Tom is acting a little suspicious. Je crois que Tom agit de manière un peu suspecte.
The police were suspicious of his movements. La police était suspicieuse de ces mouvements.
He began to get suspicious about her. Il commença à avoir des soupçons envers elle.
Both of them seem suspicious. Ils semblent tous deux suspects.
You are too suspicious about everything. Tu es trop suspicieux de tout.
I'm always suspicious of men like him. Je me méfie toujours des types comme lui.
Of any stranger, wisemen are suspicious. De tout inconnu le sage se méfie.
She said that she saw a suspicious man. Elle a dit qu'elle a vu un homme suspect.
Tom is suspicious of Europeans. Tom ne fait pas confiance aux Européens.
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