Sentence examples of "wasted his time" in English

He regrets having wasted his time. Il regrette d'avoir perdu son temps.
He wasted his time on gambling at the horse races. Il a perdu son temps à jouer aux courses hippiques.
After his father's death, John took to spending his time in bars. Après la mort de son père, John s'est mis à passer son temps dans les bars.
He spends all his time chatting online on Jabber. Il passe tout son temps à clavarder en ligne sur Jabber.
He idles away his time. Il passe le temps.
My grandfather was quite a learned man for his time and place but he just wasn't cut out to be a businessman. Mon grand-père était un homme plutôt cultivé, pour l'époque et le lieu, mais il n'était simplement pas taillé pour être un homme d'affaires.
My father doesn't waste his time. Mon père ne gaspille pas son temps.
He makes good use of his time. Il profite bien de son temps.
Einstein was far in advance of his time. Einstein fut de loin en avance sur son temps.
I want to know how he manages to make such good use of his time. Je veux savoir comment il s'arrange pour faire un si bon usage de son temps.
A student consumes much of his time in study. Un étudiant passe beaucoup de son temps à étudier.
My father makes good use of his time. Mon père fait bon usage de son temps.
The old man spent most of his time looking back on his youth. Le vieil homme passait la plupart de son temps à se remémorer sa jeunesse.
He often spends his time idly. Il passe de nombreuses heures à ne rien faire.
He always takes his time in everything that he does. Il prend toujours son temps pour tout ce qu'il fait.
He spends all his time extolling her virtues. Il passe son temps à chanter ses louanges.
He devoted all his time to the study of history. Il a consacré tout son temps à l'étude de l'histoire.
He worked at the cost of his own time. Il travailla au prix de son propre temps.
It was his best time. Ce fut son meilleur temps.
In his free time, he likes to be on the Internet. Pendant son temps libre, il aime être sur Internet.
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