Sentence examples of "Were" in English with translation "geben"

There were eight pebbles there. Es gab dort acht Kieselsteine.
How many victims were there? Wie viele Opfer gab es?
There were five fires last night. Es gab fünf Brände gestern Abend.
There were two marriages here yesterday. Es gab hier gestern zwei Hochzeiten.
There were no stores in the Yukon. Es gab keine Geschäfte im Yukon-Territorium.
There were many children in the room. Es gab mehrere Kinder in dem Raum.
There were no radios in those days. Zu dieser Zeit gab es noch keine Radios.
There were many snow storms last winter. Letzten Winter gab es viele Schneestürme.
There were no witnesses to the crime. Es gab keine Zeugen, die das Delikt beobachteten.
There were three deaths in the car crash. Es gab drei Tote in dem Verkehrsunfall.
There were a dozen suspects in the case. Es gab ein Dutzend Verdächtige in dem Fall.
I wish there were more people like you. Ich wünschte, es gäbe mehr Leute wie dich.
There were a lot of murders last year. Es gab viele Morde letzes Jahr.
Last year, there were more births than deaths. Im letzten Jahr gab es mehr Geburten als Todesfälle.
Please say a prayer for those who were onboard. Bitte sprich ein Gebet für die Leute an Bord.
There were no signs of life on the island. Es gab kein Zeichen von Leben auf der Insel.
There were a number of reasons for this accident. Es gab mehrere Gründe für diesen Unfall.
They announced that they were planning to live in Boston. Sie gaben bekannt, dass sie in Boston leben wollen.
There were a lot of excited fans in the stadium. Es gab viele begeisterte Fans im Stadion.
There were no hats in that store that fit me. In dem Laden gab es keine Hüte, die mir passten.
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