Sentence examples of "all by himself" in English

He lived there all by himself. Er lebte dort ganz allein.
He lives in the wood all by himself. Er lebt ganz allein im Wald.
He lives all by himself in the country. Er lebt alleine auf dem Land.
She did it all by herself. Sie hat es ganz alleine gemacht.
He has gone abroad by himself. Er ist allein ins Ausland gegangen.
You have to paint the whole house all by yourself? You sure have your work cut out for you. Du musst das ganze Haus ganz alleine streichen? Da hast du aber ganz schön was vor dir.
He repaired his watch by himself. Er reparierte seine Uhr selbst.
You built that all by yourself? Hast du das alles alleine gebaut?
He lived there by himself. Er lebte da allein.
Sometimes he spends time by himself. Manchmal verbringt er Zeit allein.
He solved the problem by himself. Er hat das Problem allein gelöst.
Tom tried his best to move the table by himself, but he couldn't. Tom tat sein Bestes, um den Tisch allein zu verrücken, doch er konnte es nicht.
It is not possible to teach something to man - he can only learn by himself. Man kann einem Menschen nichts beibringen. Er kann es sich einzig selbst beibringen.
The old man lives by himself. Der alte Mann lebt alleine.
As a cook he is in a class by himself. Als Koch ist er eine Klasse für sich.
Tom ate by himself even though he had hoped to eat with Mary. Tom aß allein, obwohl er gehofft hatte, gemeinsam mit Mary zu essen.
Dick plans to go by himself. Dick hat vor, allein zu gehen.
He had dinner by himself. Er aß allein zu Abend.
He lives by himself in the woods. Er lebt alleine im Wald.
I suspect that Tom doesn't do his homework by himself. Ich habe einen Verdacht, dass Tom seine Hausaufgaben nicht selber macht.
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