Sentence examples of "that was why" in English

That was a close shave. Das war aber knapp.
That was such good a book that I read it three times. Das war solch ein gutes Buch, dass ich es gleich dreimal gelesen habe.
That was fast. Das war schnell.
That was an excellent putt. Das war ein tolles Einputten.
That was well worth the trouble. Das war die Mühe wirklich wert.
That was written by Taro Akagawa. Das hat Taro Akagawa geschrieben.
That was really interesting. Das war wirklich interessant.
It was his bicycle that was stolen. Gestohlen wurde sein Fahrrad.
Mr Johnson was concerned about the amount of money that was being lost because of careless management. Herr Johnson war besorgt wegen der Geldbeträge, die durch sorgloses Management verloren gingen.
That was an excellent meeting. Dies war eine großartige Sitzung.
I went to the store that was very nearby. Ich bin zu dem Laden gegangen, der sehr nah war.
That was just plain stupid. Das war schlicht und ergreifend dumm.
It was an old man that was hit by the black car. Es war ein alter Mann, der von dem schwarzen Auto angefahren wurde.
That was really difficult. Das war aber schwierig!
The woman downed the gin and lime that was served in one swallow. Die Frau trank den servierten Lime-Gin in einem Zug aus.
That was a great party. Das war eine tolle Fete.
She said she was a pianist, but that was a lie. Sie sagte, sie war Klavierspielerin, aber das war eine Lüge.
That was right of them. Das war recht von ihnen!
That was exactly what she intended. Das war genau ihre Absicht.
That was years ago. Das war vor vielen Jahren.
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