Sentence examples of "a few times" in English

The cut will heal up in a few days. Il taglio guarirà in alcuni giorni.
Tom has a few friends in Boston. Tom ha un po' di amici a Boston.
A few students were left behind. Alcuni studenti furono lasciati indietro.
More than a few don't eat anything in the morning. Non pochi la mattina non mangiano niente.
I bought a few eggs and a little milk. Ho comprato delle uova e un po' di latte.
There are a few shops next to my house. Ci sono pochi negozi vicino a casa mia.
I was in hospital a few days ago. Qualche giorno fa ero in ospedale.
There are only a few consequences of closing the canteen. Ci sono solo poche conseguenze alla chiusura della mensa.
You must not eat anything for a few days. Non devi mangiare nulla per alcuni giorni.
There are a few boats on the lake. Ci sono alcune barche sul lago.
She has a few friends. Ha pochi amici.
I studied French when I was seven, but now I only remember a few words. Ho studiato francese quando avevo sette anni, ma ora mi ricordo solo poche parole.
I have a few English books. Ho qualche libro in inglese.
Tom has started to get a few wrinkles on his forehead. Tom ha iniziato ad avere qualche ruga sulla fronte.
The man died a few hours ago. L'uomo è morto poche ore fa.
Tom and Mary were only married for a few months. Tom e Mary sono stati sposati solo per pochi mesi.
Tom and Mary wanted to spend a few days in the mountains. Tom e Mary volevano passare alcuni giorni in montagna.
He died a few days later. È morto pochi giorni dopo.
He has a few friends. Ha pochi amici.
It seemed obvious to me that the plan needed a few revisions. Mi è sembrato ovvio che il piano aveva bisogno di qualche revisione.
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