Sentence examples of "as many as you like" in English

I'll give you as many as you like. Te ne darò quanti ne vuoi.
Eat as much as you like. Mangia quanto vuoi.
Do as you like. Fai come vuoi.
The author made ten mistakes in as many pages. L'autore ha fatto dieci errori in altrettante pagine.
You can go or stay, as you wish. Puoi andare o restare, come vuoi.
What would you like to drink? Cosa vorresti da bere?
I have three times as many books as she has. Ho il triplo dei suoi libri.
Come as fast as you can. Vieni il più velocemente che puoi.
Do you like it? Ti piace?
Brad doesn't know as many people here as me. Brad non conosce tante persone qui come me.
If only I could speak English as fluently as you! Se solo potessi parlare inglese bene come te!
If you like, I will teach you to play chess. Se volete, vi insegnerò a giocare a scacchi.
I have only half as many books as he. Ho solo la metà dei libri che ha lui.
As you already know. Come già sai.
Would you like to play tennis on Sundays? Ti piacerebbe giocare a tennis la domenica?
I try to read as many valuable books as I can. Provo a leggere il maggior numero possibili di libri di valore.
I'm not as talkative as you. Non sono chiacchierone come te.
Would you like to wait in the bar? Vorresti aspettare al bar?
Read as many books as possible. Leggi più libri possibile.
You should start out as soon as you can. Dovresti iniziare il prima possibile.
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