Sentence examples of "looked at each other" in English

We looked at each other. Ci guardammo.
Tom and Mary looked at each other. Tom e Mary si guardarono a vicenda.
Tom looked at the tall man suspiciously. Tom guardò l'uomo alto con sospetto.
That couple was made for each other. Quella coppia era fatta una per l'altro.
They looked at us, as much as to say, "Poor creature." Ci guardarono come per dire "Poverino!".
We have known each other since childhood. Ci conosciamo dall'infanzia.
He looked at me in surprise. Mi guardò sorpreso.
We've known each other for years. Ci conoscevamo da anni.
I looked at my watch and noted that it was past five. Ho guardato il mio orologio e ho notato che erano le cinque passate.
We kissed each other. Ci siamo baciati.
They looked at the photo taken of me when I was a boy and laughed. Hanno guardato la mia foto scattata quando ero ragazzo e si misero a ridere.
Philip and Tom are related to each other. Philip e Tom sono imparentati.
The man looked at me. L'uomo mi guardò.
Tom and Mary are dependent on each other. Tom e Mary dipendono l'uno dall'altra.
She looked at me and smiled. Lei mi ha guardato e ha sorriso.
We haven't seen each other for such a long time. Non ci siamo visti per così tanto tempo.
I looked at the picture. Guardai l'immagine.
Why when we are in love, we make each other hurt? Perché quando siamo innamorati ci facciamo male a vicenda?
He looked at me with a strange expression. Mi guardò con una strana espressione.
Nicholas and Maria love each other. Nicholas e Maria si amano.
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