Sentence examples of "were" in English with translation "avere"

We were in a hurry. Avevamo fretta.
We were studying all afternoon. Abbiamo studiato tutto il pomeriggio.
All of us were homesick. Tutti noi avevamo nostalgia di casa.
Why were you late this morning? Perché hai fatto tardi stamani?
It was you that were wrong. Eri tu ad avere torto.
They were afraid of the big dog. Avevano paura del grosso cane.
If I were free, I could help you. Se fossi stato libero avrei potuto aiutarti.
The facts proved that our worries were unnecessary. I fatti hanno dimostrato che le nostre preoccupazioni non erano necessarie.
You were wrong in not listening to him. Hai sbagliato a non ascoltarlo.
There were beads of sweat on his forehead. Aveva la fronte madida di sudore.
Though they were poor, they brought up seven children. Nonostante fossero poveri, hanno cresciuto sette figli.
If I were free, I would accept your invitation. Se fossi stato libero, avrei accettato il tuo invito.
He looked after our dog while we were out. Ha badato al nostro cane mentre eravamo fuori.
When you were a child you feared the gloom. Quando eri un bambino avevi paura del buio.
The apples which he sent to me were delicious. Le mele che mi ha mandato erano deliziose.
Beth looked after our dog while we were away. Beth ha sorvegliato il nostro cane mentre eravamo via.
At the time, we were just fifteen years old. All'epoca avevamo appena quindici anni.
The children were sleeping when their grandparents called them. I bambini stavano dormendo quando gli hanno chiamati i sui nonni.
We were waiting for him for a long time. Lo abbiamo aspettato a lungo.
The woman to whom you were talking is my sister. La donna a cui avete parlato è mia sorella.
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