Sentence examples of "yourself" in English

Translations: all40 tu9 ti4 si2 stesso1 other translations24
Don't give yourself airs. Non darti delle arie.
Get a hold of yourself. Riprenditi.
Wait, don't shoot yourself! Aspetta, non spararti!
Please help yourself to the fruit. Prenditi pure della frutta.
Did you make it for yourself? L'hai fatto da solo?
Please put yourself in my place. Per favore, mettiti nei miei panni.
Look at yourself in the mirror. Guardati nello specchio.
Help yourself to the cake, please. Serviti pure del dolce, prego.
Enjoy yourself at the party, John. Divertiti alla festa, John.
You must behave yourself like a man. Devi comportarti da uomo.
Can you make yourself understood in English? Riesci a farti capire in inglese?
You must not absent yourself from school. Non devi assentarti da scuola.
You should get yourself a new car now. Dovresti comprare un'auto nuova ora.
You had better avail yourself of this opportunity. Faresti meglio ad approfittare di questa opportunità.
Young man, enjoy yourself while you are young! Giovanotto, divertiti mentre sei ancora giovane!
Can you put on a kimono by yourself? Riesci a metterti un kimono da solo?
if you want something done, do it yourself chi fa da sé, fa per tre
Give yourself to your work with body and soul. Date corpo e anima al vostro lavoro.
do it yourself if you want it done right chi fa da sé, fa per tre
You should try to figure it out for yourself. Dovresti provare a capirlo da solo.
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