Sentence examples of "Anything" in English with translation "todo"

Tom is ready for anything. Tom está listo para todo.
A gaze can tell anything. Una mirada lo puede decir todo.
Tom can do just about anything. Tom puede hacer de todo.
This suit is anything but cheap. Este traje es de todo menos barato.
Your answer is anything but perfect. Tu respuesta es de todo menos perfecta.
My English is anything but good. Mi inglés es todo menos bueno.
He is anything but a fool. Él es de todo menos tonto.
He is anything but a liar. Él es de todo menos mentiroso.
Here in the store we sell anything. Aquí en la tienda vendemos de todo.
He is anything but a reliable man. Él es todo menos un hombre confiable.
Anything that can be misunderstood will be. Todo lo que puede ser malentendido será malentendido.
I'd understand anything coming from you. Entendería todo viniendo de ti.
You can't doubt everything and anything. No es posible dudar de todo.
The new method was anything but ideal. El nuevo método era todo menos ideal.
I would give anything to win her back. Lo daría todo por reconquistarla.
Anything you say can be used against you. Todo lo que digas puede ser usado en tu contra.
One has to do one's best in anything. Hay que esforzarse al máximo en todo.
Tom told me to give you anything you want. Tom me dijo que te diera todo lo que quisieras.
Anything you say can and will be used against you. Todo lo que diga podrá ser utilizado en su contra.
Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung. Todo aquello que es demasiado tonto para ser dicho, se canta.
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