Sentence examples of "Believe" in English

Translations: all407 creer368 creerse3 other translations36
She made believe that she was sick. Ella fingió estar enferma.
Let's make believe we are ninja. Finjamos que somos ninjas.
He made believe not to be hurt. Fingió no estar lastimado.
She made believe that she knew nothing about it. Ella fingió no saber nada al respecto.
And for more than an hour she made believe not to know what there was for dinner. Y por más de una hora ella fingió no saber lo que había para cenar.
Do you believe in miracles? ¿Creés en los milagros?
Tom could hardly believe him. Tom apenas podía creerle.
You'd better believe it. Mejor creelo.
She refused to believe it Rechazó creerlo
Do you believe in fairies? ¿Creés en las hadas?
You have only to believe him. Sólo tienes que creerle.
He could not believe his eyes. El no podía creerle a sus ojos.
Do you believe in any religion? ¿Es usted creyente?
I believe you like your job. Se me hace que te gusta tu trabajo.
I believe that he's trustworthy. Yo pienso que él es de fiar.
She was stupid enough to believe him. Ella fue lo suficientemente estúpida para creerle.
Believe me, this is the right way. Creeme, esta es la manera adecuada.
I believe he is a nice guy. Pienso que él es un buen tipo.
Tom didn't know who to believe. Tom no sabía a quién creerle.
Believe me, I never did anything wrong. Créeme, nunca hice nada mal.
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