Sentence examples of "Face" in English with translation "cara"

The father washes his face. El padre se lava la cara.
Did you see his face? ¿Viste su cara?
Fatigue showed on her face. Su cara mostraba fatiga.
Did you see her face? ¿Viste su cara?
Her face suddenly turned red. Su cara de repente se volvió roja.
The woman washes her face. La mujer se lava la cara.
Tom's face is red. La cara de Tom está roja.
She has a dirty face. Ella tiene la cara sucia.
She has a pretty face. Ella tiene una cara bonita.
He lied to my face. Él me mintió en mi cara.
His face was covered with mud. Su cara estaba cubierta de lodo.
Tom punched Mary in the face. Tom le pegó un puñetazo en la cara a Mary.
She stared him in the face. Ella lo miró a la cara.
His face says that he lost. Su cara dice que perdió.
Her face was drenched with sweat. Su cara estaba empapada en sudor.
I wash my face every morning. Me lavo la cara cada mañana.
What a nice face she has! ¡Qué bonita cara tiene ella!
He looked me in the face. Él me miró a la cara.
They have the exact same face. Tienen exactamente la misma cara.
Dry your face with a towel. Sécate la cara con una toalla.
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