Sentence examples of "Isn't" in English

Your job isn't easy. Tu trabajo no es fácil.
Tom isn't well today. Tom no está bien hoy.
The price isn't important. El precio no tiene importancia.
There isn't anybody else. No hay nadie más.
He isn't back from the mountain. No ha vuelto de la montaña.
There isn't much wind today. Hoy no hace mucho viento.
Isn't he going to Peru tomorrow? ¿No va al Perú mañana?
Odd, isn't it? We should have already arrived. Extraño, ¿verdad? Ya deberíamos haber llegado.
Tom isn't interested in politics at all. A Tom no le interesa para nada la política.
He isn't coming, either. Él tampoco vendrá.
It isn't easy for me to play golf. Me cuesta jugar golf.
This is a pretty view, isn't it? Qué bella vista, ¿verdad?
Tom isn't feeling well. Tom no se siente bien.
He isn't lonely anymore. Ya no está solitario.
Staying home isn't fun. Quedarse en casa no tiene nada de divertido.
There isn't a cat. No hay un gato.
Warm this morning, isn't it? Hace calor esta mañana, ¿no?
He isn't going to buy a camera. Él no va a comprar una cámara.
We should make it if the traffic isn't too heavy. Deberíamos llegar si no hay demasiado tráfico.
According to her, he isn't coming. Según ella, él no viene.
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