Sentence examples of "Just" in English with translation "justo"

They were just in time. Llegaron justo a tiempo.
It's just the opposite. Es justo lo opuesto.
That's just like you Esto es justo cómo usted
It's just not fair. Simplemente no es justo.
Tom came just before dinner. Tom vino justo antes de la cena.
My bedroom is just above. Mi recámara está justo arriba.
He was just behind me. Él estaba justo detrás de mí.
Their punishment was harsh, but just. Su castigo fue severo, pero justo.
I got there just in time. Llegué ahí justo a tiempo.
It's just what I wanted. Es justo lo que quería.
It is just five o'clock. Son justo las cinco en punto.
This is just what I wanted. Es justo lo que quería.
Tom showed up just in time. Tom apareció justo a tiempo.
Tom knows just where to go. Tom sabe justo adónde ir.
He got to school just in time. Llegó a la escuela justo a tiempo.
You came at just the right time. Viniste justo a tiempo.
Tom crawled into bed just before midnight. Tom se arrastró a la cama justo antes de medianoche.
Be just and you will be happy. justo y serás feliz.
He came just as I was leaving. Él llegó justo cuando me iba.
I was just in time for class. Llegué a clase justo a tiempo.
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