Sentence examples of "People" in English

But people have little hope. Pero la gente tiene poca esperanza.
We are a conservative people. Somos un pueblo conservador.
The people are so friendly. La gente es muy amable.
The king oppressed his people. El rey oprimió a su pueblo.
There were so many people. Había tanta gente.
They have people conveniently idiotizited. Ellos tienen al pueblo convenientemente idiotizados.
She despises people who lie. Ella desprecia a la gente que miente.
The Japanese people have renounced war. El pueblo japonés ha renunciado la guerra.
Why do people tell lies? ¿Por qué miente la gente?
The Chinese people are exceptionally hardworking. El pueblo chino es excepcionalmente trabajador.
Few people have two cars. Apenas hay gente que tenga dos coches.
People of Asia must work together. El pueblo de Asia debe trabajar unido.
Many people attended his funeral. Mucha gente asistió a su funeral.
The people rebelled against the king. El pueblo se rebeló contra el rey.
But they are all people. Pero ellos son toda la gente.
The American people elected Mr Clinton President. El pueblo americano eligió al Sr. Clinton presidente.
People from Madrid are weird. La gente de Madrid es extraña.
The war had united the American people. La guerra unió al pueblo norteamericano.
Most people like watching TV. A la mayoría de la gente le gusta ver TV.
The English are generally a conservative people. El inglés es generalmente un pueblo conservador.
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