Sentence examples of "Sentence" in English

This is an obvious sentence. Es una frase obvia.
Do not translate this sentence! ¡No traduzcas esta oración!
His son is serving his sentence. Su hijo está cumpliendo su condena.
I sentence you to ten years. Te sentencio a diez años.
This is a weird sentence. Esta es una sentencia rara.
This sentence doesn't exist. Esta frase no existe.
This sentence contains an error. Esta oración contiene un error.
Tom's sentence was 25 hours of community service. La condena de Tom fue de 25 horas de servicio comunitario.
Tom will finish serving his sentence next month. Tom terminará de cumplir su sentencia el próximo mes.
What is your favorite sentence? ¿Cuál es tu frase preferida?
Which sentence do you prefer? ¿Cuál oración prefieres?
The king overturned the death sentence of a woman condemned for driving. El rey anuló la sentencia de muerte de una mujer condenada por manejar.
Tom was given a 20-week prison sentence. Tom recibió una sentencia de veinte semanas en prisión.
Don't read this sentence. No leas esta frase.
This sentence is too long. Esta oración es muy larga.
The judge gave the woman a three year sentence. El juez le dio a la mujer una sentencia de tres años.
Translate this sentence into English. Traduce esta frase al inglés.
This sentence must be adopted. Esta oración debe ser adoptada.
This sentence has no authors. Esta frase no tiene autor.
This sentence doesn't mean anything. Esta oración no quiere decir nada.
Examples of word usage in different contexts are provided solely for linguistic purposes, i.e. to study word usage in a sentence in one language and how they can be translated into another. All samples are automatically collected from a variety of publicly available open sources using bilingual search technologies.
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