Sentence examples of "Those" in English

He devoted himself to music in those days. En aquel tiempo se dedicaba a la música.
Everybody called me Tony in those days. En esa época todo el mundo me llamaba Tony.
God blesses those who repent. Dios bendice a los que se arrepienten.
What are those people doing? ¿Qué hace esa gente?
His pessimism depressed those around him. Su pesimismo deprimió a la gente a su alrededor.
Those who forget everything are happy. Los que olvidan todo son felices.
Those children are in exuberant spirits. Estos niños están eufóricos.
You look good in those clothes. Te ves bien con esa ropa.
Those present were almost all women. Casi todos los que estaban presentes eran mujeres.
She looks odd in those clothes. Ella se ve rara con esa ropa.
There were no radios in those times. En esa época no existían las radios.
Those who are present are all Japanese. Todos los presentes son japoneses.
I can carry those suitcases for you. Puedo llevarle las maletas.
There were no radios in those days. No había radios aún entonces.
The finest wines are those from France. Los mejores vinos son franceses.
I gave my books to those people. Le di mis libros a esa gente.
Forget it, those are just trivial details. Olvídenlo, sólo son detalles triviales.
Those who are about to die salute you. Los que van a morir te saludan.
Neither of those two students passed the test. Ninguno de los dos estudiantes aprobó el examen.
All those in favor held up their hands. Todos los que estén a favor levanten la mano.
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