Sentence examples of "Throw" in English

Translations: all81 tirar29 arrojar18 echar5 lanzar5 other translations24
Don't throw away this magazine. No me tires esta revista.
Throw the ball back to me. Tírame la pelota devuelta.
I will never throw away my Playstation. Nunca voy a tirar mi Playstation.
Throw away the chairs whose legs are broken. Tira la silla de patas rotas por favor.
She explained to me that we throw away too much garbage. Ella me explicó que tiramos demasiado basura.
Tom was afraid that they'd lock him up and throw away the key. Tom tenía miedo de que le encerraran y tirasen la llave.
Don't throw garbage away here. No tires basura aquí.
My wife asked me to throw this old hat away. Mi esposa me pidió que tire este viejo sombrero.
I took my shoes off and throw them out the window. Me quité los zapatos y los tiré por la ventana.
Yesterday I put the gifts in the ceiling, today I put them under the bed and tomorrow I'll throw them out the window. Ayer puse los regalos en el techo, hoy los metí debajo de la cama y mañana los voy a tirar por la ventana.
It's junk. Throw it away. Es basura. Arrójala a la basura.
Don't throw away your chance. No desperdicies tu oportunidad.
Throw a tear-gas bomb at him. Arrójale una bomba lacrimógena.
Don't throw away a good opportunity. No desaproveches una buena oportunidad.
You have no right to throw me out. No tienes derecho a echarme.
I asked the boy to throw the ball back. Le pedí al muchacho la pelota de vuelta.
I'd rather throw it away than give it to him. Preferiría regalarlo que dárselo a él.
I would rather throw the money away than give it to him. Preferiría regalar el dinero que dárselo a él.
In spite of our encouragement he decided to throw in the towel. A pesar de los ánimos que le dábamos decidió rendirse.
Clean out the shed and throw away things you don't need. Limpiá el galpón y tirá las cosas que no necesitás.
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