Sentence examples of "Wall" in English with translation "pared"

I am building a wall. Estoy construyendo una pared.
She painted the wall red. Pintó la pared de color rojo.
Ken jumped over the wall. Ken saltó por encima de la pared.
Tom leaned against the wall. Tom se apoyó contra la pared.
Tom is drilling the wall. Tom está taladrando la pared.
Someone is standing behind the wall. Hay alguien parado detrás de la pared.
Thank you for building this wall. Gracias por construir esta pared.
The nail went through the wall. El clavo atravesó la pared.
The car crashed into the wall. El coche se estrelló contra la pared.
Have you ever drilled this wall? ¿Has taladrado la pared alguna vez?
He was leaning against the wall. Él estaba apoyado contra la pared.
He hung it on the wall. Lo colgó en la pared.
The wall is two meters thick. La pared tiene dos metros de grosor.
Don't lean against the wall. No te apoyes en la pared.
Put the desk against the wall. Pon el pupitre contra la pared.
We're going to paint the wall. Vamos a pintar la pared.
The picture is hanging on the wall. El retrato está colgado en la pared.
This wall is taller than that one. Esta pared es más alta que esa.
His shadow on the wall looked sad. Su sombra en la pared parecía triste.
Look at the picture on the wall. Mira el cuadro en la pared.
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