Sentence examples of "Words" in English

Many languages use English words. Muchos idiomas utilizan palabras inglesas.
Write at least 250 words. Escribe al menos 250 palabras.
What were her final words? ¿Cuáles fueron sus últimas palabras?
Tom is pronouncing Berber words. Tom está pronunciando palabras en berebere.
Truth needs not many words. La verdad no necesita muchas palabras.
His words rendered me speechless. Sus palabras me dejaron sin voz.
Deeds are better than words. Los hechos valen más que las palabras.
Poets select the best words. Los poetas escogen las mejores palabras.
Actions speak louder than words. Las acciones dicen más que las palabras.
Can you pronounce these words? ¿Puedes pronunciar estas palabras?
He changed a few words. Ha cambiado algunas palabras.
His words carry little conviction. Sus palabras suenan con poca convicción.
Cross out the incorrect words. Tacha las palabras incorrectas.
Words cannot describe the beauty. Las palabras no pueden describir la belleza.
His words have come true. Sus palabras se hicieron realidad.
What do his words imply? ¿Qué implican sus palabras?
Words hurt more than fists. ¡Las palabras hacen más daño que los puños!
We need action, not words. Necesitamos acciones no palabras.
He still believes her words. Él aún cree en sus palabras.
He is spare in words. Él es parco en palabras.
Examples of word usage in different contexts are provided solely for linguistic purposes, i.e. to study word usage in a sentence in one language and how they can be translated into another. All samples are automatically collected from a variety of publicly available open sources using bilingual search technologies.
If you find a spelling, punctuation or any other error in the original or translation, use the "Report a problem" option or write to us.

In this section, you can see how words and expressions are used in different contexts using examples of translations made by professionals. The Contexts section will help you learn English, German, Spanish and other languages. Here you can find examples with phrasal verbs and idioms in texts that vary in style and theme. Examples can be sorted by translations and topics.

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