Sentence examples of "a man's house is his castle" in English

"Michael" is a man's name but "Michelle" is a lady's name. "Michael" es un nombre de hombre pero "Michelle" es un nombre de mujer.
Naivete is his only merit. Su único mérito es su ingenuidad.
That house is really better than this house. Esa casa es realmente mejor que esta casa.
A man's worth lies in what he is, not in what he has. El valor de un hombre reside en lo que es, no en lo que tiene.
His beautiful wife is his pride. Su bella esposa es su orgullo.
The white house is antique. La casa blanca es antigua.
A man's will is nothing when compared to that of the heavens. La voluntad de un hombre no es nada comparada con la de los cielos.
This plane is his. Este avión es suyo.
The roof of my house is red. El techo de mi casa es rojo.
"Michael" is a man's name, but "Michelle" is a woman's name. "Michael" es nombre de hombre, pero "Michelle" es nombre de mujer.
This is his answer to my letter. Ésta es su respuesta a mi carta.
Our house is yours. Nuestra casa es la vuestra.
There are five tragedies in a man's life. Unfortunately, I don't know which ones they are. Hay cinco tragedias en la vida de un hombre. Desafortunadamente, no sé cuáles son.
Ogai is his favorite author. Ogai es su autor favorito.
My house is in the suburbs. Mi casa está en las afueras.
A man's worth should be judged by his character rather than by his social position. El valor de un hombre debería juzgarse por su carácter, no por su estatus social.
This is his formula. Esta es su fórmula.
That house is big. Aquella casa es grande.
A man's worth lies in what he is rather than what he has. El valor de un hombre reside en lo que es en lugar de lo que tiene.
What is his name? ¿Cuál es su nombre?
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