Sentence examples of "academic achievement" in English

His academic achievements are impressive. Sus logros académicos son impresionantes.
More often than not, students prefer club activities to academic classes. Usualmente los estudiantes prefieren las actividades de club a las clases académicas.
No other contestant has obtained such a remarkable achievement. Ningún otro participante ha conseguido un logro tan remarcable.
His thoughts are extremely academic. Sus pensamientos son de un corte extremadamente académico.
They awarded him a gold medal for his achievement. Por sus logros, ellos le otorgaron la medalla de oro.
They're academic champions. Ellos son campeones académicos.
We cannot appreciate Vesalius's achievement without first referring to the scriptures of Galenus. No podemos valorar la hazaña de Vesalio sin antes referirnos a los escritos de Galeno.
My interest in politics is strictly academic. Mi interés en la política es estrictamente académico.
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