Sentence examples of "acting career" in English
Learning Klingon will serve him well in his business career.
Aprender klingon le será muy útil para su carrera de hombre de negocios.
I saw your progress about your dentist career and I'm really happy for you!
Vi tu progreso en tu carrera de dentista y estoy verdaderamente feliz por ti.
You're acting like you know me; this is the first time we're meeting!
Estás actuando como si me conocieras. ¡Es la primera vez que nos vemos!
You should invest a little bit of your income into your career in these tough economic times.
En estos tiempos arduos para la economía, deberías invertir un poco de tus ingresos en tu carrera.
No matter what your profession, or how happy you may be in it, there are moments when you wish you had chosen some other career.
Sea cual sea tu profesión y lo feliz que seas en ella, habrá momentos en los que desearás haber elegido otra carrera.
Are you seriously thinking about pursuing a career as a race car driver?
¿Acaso piensas seriamente en perseguir una carrera como conductor de autos de carrera?
Shortly after coming back to France, he decided to abandon his career as an economist in order to dedicate himself to his true passion: writing, in Spain.
Poco después de volver a Francia decidió abandonar su carrera de economista para dedicarse a su verdadera pasión, la escritura, en España.
When he was at the acme of his career, a scandal brought about his downfall.
Cuando él estaba en la cúspide de su carrera, un escándalo provocó su caída.
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