Sentence examples of "all by himself" in English

He lived there all by himself. Vivía ahí él solo.
Tom did it all by himself. Tom lo hizo todo por su cuenta.
I ate it all by myself. Me lo comí todo yo solito.
Tama sometimes goes for a walk by himself. Tama a veces da un paseo solo.
She did it all by herself. Lo hizo todo ella sola.
Tom decided that he wanted to eat by himself. Tom decidió que quería comer solo.
You built that all by yourself? ¿Construiste eso tu solo?
Tom likes to do almost everything by himself. A Tom le gusta hacer casi todo solo.
Her mother lives in the country all by herself. Su madre vive sola en el campo.
Tom doesn't intend to go by himself. Tom no pretende ir solo.
After her husband's death, she brought up the two children all by herself. Después de la muerte del marido, ella crió a sus dos hijos sola.
Tom tried to figure out the answer by himself. Tom trató de averiguar la respuesta porsolo.
He solved the problem by himself. Él solucionó el problema solo.
He lives in this lonely place by himself. Él vive por su cuenta en este solitario lugar.
Tom did it by himself. Tom lo hizo por sí solo.
Tom likes to do things by himself. A Tom le gusta hacer las cosas por sí solo.
It is not possible to teach something to man - he can only learn by himself. No se le puede enseñar nada a una persona. Solo puede enseñarse a sí mismo.
He goes very often to the theater, but always by himself. Va al teatro muy a menudo, pero siempre solo.
Tom did everything by himself. Tom lo hizo todo por su cuenta.
Tom is unlikely to come by himself. Es poco probable que Tom venga solo.
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