Sentence examples of "allow" in English with translation "permitir"

We couldn't allow his claim. No pudimos permitir su demanda.
My father won't allow it. Mi papá no lo permitirá.
I do not allow sleeping in class. No permito que duerman durante la clase.
Allow me to introduce Mayuko to you. Permita que le presente a Mayuko.
Will you allow me to play the piano? ¿Me permites tocar el piano?
I can't allow you to do that. No te puedo permitir hacer eso.
Will you allow me to go with you? ¿Me permiten acompañarlos?
Under the circumstances I cannot allow the request. Bajo las circunstancias yo no puedo permitir la solicitud.
The circumstances did not allow me to go abroad. Las circunstancias no me permitieron ir al extranjero.
My father didn't allow me to marry him. Mi padre no me permitió casarme con él.
Please don't allow the children to play with knives. Por favor, no permita que los niños jueguen con cuchillos.
His pride didn't allow him to ask for help. Su orgullo no le permitió pedir ayuda.
My parents didn't allow me to see Tom again. Mis padres no me permitieron volver a ver a Tom.
My father doesn't allow me to go out with Bill. Mi papá no me permite salir con Bill.
Would you please allow me to treat you to dinner next week? ¿Me permites invitarte a cenar la próxima semana?
My father does not allow me to go to the movies alone. Mi padre no me permite ir solo al cine.
The program does not allow for changes at this point in time. El programa no permite cambios a esta altura.
The new version of Tatoeba will allow linking people, and even editing them! ¡La nueva versión de Tatoeba permitirá unir a la gente, e incluso editarla!
He began to suspect something was wrong when the seller didn't allow him to test the item before buying it. Él empezó a sospechar que algo iba mal cuando el vendedor no le permitió probar el objeto antes de comprarlo.
You think that people are okay, but I allow one to think that people and all societies are bad. No one wants other people to tolerate their mischief. People give grief to people because their viewpoints vary. Piensas que la gente está bien, pero permito que alguien piense que la gente y todas las sociedades son malas. Nadie quiere que otra gente tolere sus travesuras. La gente se queja de otra gente porque sus puntos de vista varían.
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