Sentence examples of "around him" in English

He is different from the people around him. Él es diferente de las personas alrededor suyo.
His pessimism depressed those around him. Su pesimismo deprimió a la gente a su alrededor.
He gathered his children around him. Él reunió a sus hijos a su alrededor.
The old man drew a large crowd around him by his music. El anciano atrajo con su música una gran multitud a su alrededor.
Between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Entre el idioma que usa y el idioma que usan quienes le rodean.
Compared to those around him, he looked really happy. Comparado a los de alrededor, él se veía realmente feliz.
There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The latter, an underhanded chap, did not take ten steps - as dictated by the rules - but two, then turned around to shoot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus hadn't taken any steps at all. Hubo una vez en la que Cristóbal Colón desafió a un duelo a otro explorador. El último, un tipo poco honrado, no dio diez pasos como marcan las reglas, sino dos; entonces se giró y disparó. Desgraciadamente para él, Colón no había dado ni un solo paso.
We managed to bring him around to our way of thinking. Conseguimos convencerle.
A passenger fainted, but the stewardess brought him around. Un pasajero se desmayó, pero la azafata lo reanimó.
The brandy brought him around in no time. El brandy lo trajo de vuelta en sí en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
She always says nice things about him, especially when he's around. Ella siempre dice cosas lindas sobre él, en especial cuando está cerca.
I don't trust him; be careful what you say when he's around. Yo no confío en él, tenga cuidado con lo que dice cuando él está cerca.
Glaciers around the world are melting. Los glaciares de todo el mundo se están derritiendo.
She cooked a special dinner for him. Ella cocinó una cena especial para él.
Ecosystems are degrading rapidly all around the Earth. Los ecosistemas se están degradando en todo el mundo.
She gave him a sweater on his birthday. Ella le regaló un suéter en su cumpleaños.
Don't beat around the bush. Deja de andar con rodeos.
Don't let him touch it. No dejes que lo toque.
No, thank you. I'm just looking around. no, gracias. Sólo estaba mirando.
She is in love with him. Ella está enamorada de él.
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