Sentence examples of "as a reprisal for" in English

If we can't get the money in any other way, we can, as a last resort, sell the car. Si no podemos conseguir el dinero de otra forma, podemos, como último recurso, vender el coche.
I work part-time as a receptionist at a dentist's office. Trabajo de media jornada como recepcionista en una clínica dental.
He used his umbrella as a weapon. Él usó su paraguas como un arma.
Today the teacher took "Chinese culture" as a topic. Hoy el maestro escogió "la cultura china" como tema.
He is fat as a bear. Él es gordo como un oso.
As a matter of fact, bankruptcy is inevitable. De hecho, la bancarrota es inevitable.
As a child I often went fishing with my father. Cuando niño iba a menudo a pescar con mi padre.
He was late as a result of the accident. Él llegó tarde por culpa del accidente.
They killed a goat as a sacrifice to the gods. Sacrificaron un cabra en honor a los dioses.
I keep a rabbit as a pet. Tengo un conejo como mascota.
She acted as a guide. Ella hizo de guía.
A passport identifies you as a citizen of a country and allows you to travel to foreign countries. Un pasaporte te identifica como ciudadano de un país y te permite viajar a países extranjeros.
He came to Berlin as a teacher. Vino a Berlin de profesor.
Without his glasses, he is as blind as a bat. Sin sus gafas él ve menos que un topo.
This old bread is as hard as a rock. Este pan añejo está tan duro como una piedra.
I am against using death as a punishment. I am also against using it as a reward. Estoy en contra de usar la muerte como castigo. También estoy en contra de usarla como recompensa.
How ridiculous I was as a Marionette! And how happy I am, now that I have become a real boy! ¡Qué ridículo era como una marioneta! ¡Y qué feliz soy, ahora que me he convertido en un chico de verdad!
I'm proud to have him as a friend. Estoy orgulloso de tenerle como amigo.
I take that as a compliment. Lo tomo como un cumplido.
She likes to dress up as a nurse. A ella le gusta vestirse de enfermera.
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