Sentence examples of "as early as" in English

Get up as early as you can. Levántate tan pronto como puedas.
You don't get up as early as your sister. Tú no te levantas tan pronto como tu hermana.
Tom will try to finish the work as early as possible. Tom tratará de terminar el trabajo tan pronto como sea posible.
You don't get up as early as your sister, do you? No te levantas tan pronto como tu hermana, ¿verdad?
You should start as early as possible. Deberías empezar lo antes posible.
I got up early as usual. Me levanté temprano como siempre.
Tom wanted Mary to come home early. Tom quería que Mary volviera temprano a casa.
In the early days people communicated by smoke signals. Antiguamente la gente se comunicaba con señales de humo.
The early bird gets the worm. A quien madruga Dios le ayuda.
I finished all my work early. He terminado temprano todo mi trabajo.
Go early in order to get a good seat. Ve pronto para conseguir un buen asiento.
We are leaving early tomorrow morning. Salimos mañana temprano.
He is used to getting up early. Él está acostumbrado levantarse temprano.
I feel like going to bed early tonight. Esta noche tengo ganas de acostarme temprano.
To begin, it is necessary that you get up early. Comenzando, es necesario que te levantes temprano.
You've arrived too early. Llegaste demasiado pronto.
My family are all early risers. Mi familia es buena para levantarse temprano.
I authorize my workers to leave early. Yo autorizo a mis trabajadores a irse temprano.
No. I'm sorry, I've got to go back early. No. Lo siento, tengo que volver pronto.
I went to bed early because I was tired. Fui para la cama temprano porque estaba cansado.
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