Sentence examples of "be difficult" in English

It will be difficult for him to get up so early. Será difícil para él levantarse temprano.
Once you've got into a bad habit, it can be difficult to get out of it. Una vez que tienes un mal hábito, puede ser difícil salir de él.
It seems to be difficult for her to get along with students in the new school. Parece que a ella le resulta difícil llevarse bien con los estudiantes en la escuela nueva.
Tom thought it would be difficult for Mary to get a ticket to that concert. Tom pensó que sería difícil que Mary encontrara un boleto para ese concierto.
Tom can be difficult to deal with at times. A veces, Tom puede ser difícil de tratar.
What seems easy at first often turns out to be difficult. Lo que parece fácil al principio frecuentemente se vuelve difícil.
A good password should be difficult to guess but easy to remember. Una buena contraseña debería ser difícil de adivinar pero fácil de recordar.
It will be difficult for him to speak in public. Va a ser difícil para él hablar en público.
That will be difficult Eso será difícil
You are difficult and incorrigible. Eres difícil e incorregible.
That's a problem difficult to solve. Ese es un problema difícil de resolver.
It's difficult to learn a foreign language. Aprender una lengua extranjera es difícil.
It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong", but you have to do it. Es una tarea difícil elegir qué está "bien" o "mal", pero has de hacerlo.
It's difficult to speak with him. Es difícil hablar con él.
It's often said that Japanese is a difficult language to learn. A menudo se dice que el japonés es una lengua difícil de aprender.
It is difficult to speak Chinese well. Es difícil hablar bien chino.
Is it difficult to act according to Buddhist principles? ¿Es difícil actuar según los preceptos budistas?
It was rather difficult for me to make out what he was saying. Fue bastante difícil para mí entender lo que él estaba diciendo.
It's difficult to help people who can't admit they need help. Es difícil ayudar a las personas que no pueden admitir que necesitan ayuda.
The problem is difficult to solve. Es difícil resolver ese problema.
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