Sentence examples of "became famous" in English

Tom became famous as a violinist. Tom se volvió famoso como violinista.
He became famous. Él se hizo famoso.
Stallone became famous through film. Stallone se hizo famoso por las películas.
She started pursuing him before he became famous. Ella empezó a perseguirle antes de que se hiciera famoso.
He became famous thanks to his mother. Se hizo famoso gracias a su madre.
She suddenly became famous. Ella de repente se hizo famosa.
Many great thinkers who were unknown while alive became famous after death. Muchos prominentes pensadores que fueron desconocidos en vida se hicieron famosos después de su muerte.
His son became a famous pianist. Su hijo se convirtió en un famoso pianista.
He became world famous. Se hizo famoso a nivel mundial.
The older he got, the more famous he became. Con el paso de los años se hizo cada vez más famoso.
I wouldn't be too surprised if this song became a hit. No me sorprendería demasiado si esta canción se volviera un éxito.
This is the pen which the famous novelist wrote with. Éste es el bolígrafo con el que escribía el famoso novelista.
After a succession of warm days, the weather became cold. Después de varios días cálidos, el tiempo se puso helado.
He is one of Spain's most famous authors. Es uno de los autores más famosos de España.
They made up and became friends again. Hicieron las paces y volvieron a ser amigos.
I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. Tengo un amigo cuyo padre es un pianista famoso.
Tom became an engineer. Tom se convirtió en ingeniero.
"Bonanza" is not about bananas. Or maybe it is. It's a famous western series. "Bonanza" no trata de plátanos. O quizá sí. Es una serie del oeste famosa.
Tom became scared as soon as he saw the robber's knife. Tom se asustó tan pronto vio el cuchillo del ladrón.
Donald Trump is a famous business person. Donald Trump es un famoso hombre de negocios.
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