Sentence examples of "believed" in English with translation "creer"

No one believed his story. Nadie le creyó su historia.
He believed in the truth. Él creía en la verdad.
Almost no one believed him. Casi nadie le creyó.
Almost no one believed her. Casi nadie le creyó.
They believed he was honest. Ellos creyeron que él era honesto.
I believed to have become immortal. Creía haberme vuelto inmortal.
No one believed me at first. Al principio nadie me creyó.
No one believed what you said. Nadie creyó lo que dijiste.
Tom apparently believed what Mary said. Aparentemente, Tom creyó lo que dijo Mary.
The situation is worse than we believed. La situación es peor de lo que creíamos.
Columbus believed that the Earth was round. Cristóbal Colón creía que la tierra era redonda.
Almost all the students believed the rumor. Casi todos los estudiantes se creyeron el rumor.
I believed that he was a doctor. Creí que él era un doctor.
It was believed that whales were fish. Se creía que las ballenas eran peces.
I believed that he was a physician. Creí que él era un doctor.
Lots of superstitions are still believed in. Todavía se creen muchas supersticiones.
Tom did what he believed was right. Tom hizo lo que creyó que era correcto.
It was believed that the earth was flat. Se creía que la tierra era plana.
She told him that she believed in astrology. Ella le dijo que creía en la astrología.
Seven is believed to be a lucky number. Se cree que el siete es un número de la suerte.
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