Sentence examples of "book" in English

Look in the phone book. Mira en la guía telefónica.
This guide book is about São Paulo city. Esta guía es sobre la ciudad de San Pablo.
Is there a book store in the hotel? ¿Hay una librería en el hotel?
You can't judge a book by its cover Caras vemos, corazones no sabemos
The new phone book is here! ¡La nueva guía telefónica está aquí!
John made a book shelf. John hizo una estantería.
I found the comic book very interesting. Encuentro el comic muy interesante.
I gave her a comic book to read. Le di un comic para que lea.
Don't judge a book by its cover. Las apariencias engañan.
Look up the number in the telephone book. Busca el número en el directorio.
Those who buy this comic book in our store are mostly junior high school students. Los que compran este cómic en nuestra tienda son en su mayoría estudiantes de secundaria.
There was a bug in my Address Book and many addresses including yours were deleted. En mi agenda había un bug, y muchas direcciones, incluida la tuya, se borraron.
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