Sentence examples of "bother" in English with translation "molestar"

Children often bother their parents. Los niños les molestan a sus padres frecuentemente.
Don't bother to answer this letter. No te molestes en contestar esta carta.
Don't bother me with such trifles. No me molestes por semejantes nimiedades.
Don't even bother, he'll win anyway. Ni te molestes, él va a ganar de todas formas.
Don't bother Tom while he's reading. No molestes a Tom cuando está leyendo.
Don't bother me with such foolish questions. No me molestes con preguntas tontas.
The train strike didn't bother me at all. La huelga de trenes no me molestó en absoluto.
You need to stop doing things that bother Tom. Necesitas dejar de hacer las cosas que molestan a Tom.
Will it bother you if I turn on the radio? ¿No le molesta si enciendo la radio?
Don't bother, I can take care of this myself. No se moleste, yo puedo hacerme cargo de esto.
Will it bother you if I sit next to you? ¿Te molesta si me siento a tu lado?
Even if we're late, it doesn't bother us. Aún si llegamos tarde, no nos molesta.
I saw you working and I didn't bother you. Te vi trabajando y no te molesté.
It doesn't bother me to walk in the rain. No me molesta caminar bajo la lluvia.
Tom hated to bother Mary so late at night, but it was an emergency. Tom odiaba molestar a Mary tan tarde de noche, pero era una emergencia.
Are you still letting last night's fight bother you? That's so naive. ¿Aún dejas que la pelea de anoche te moleste? Eso es tan ingenuo.
I'm beginning to understand why you don't bother to try to explain things to Tom. Estoy empezando a entender por qué no te molestas en explicarle las cosas a Tom.
Don't bother waking me up at 4:00 a.m. I don't plan to go fishing tomorrow. No te molestes en levantarme a las cuatro de la mañana. No tengo intención de ir a pescar mañana.
What bothers me is his attitude. Lo que me molesta de él es su actitud.
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