Sentence examples of "briefcase" in English

I can't find my briefcase. No puedo encontrar mi maletín.
My briefcase is full of papers. Mi maletín está lleno de papeles.
His briefcase was filled with water. Su maletín estaba lleno de agua.
I left my briefcase on the bus. Dejé mi maletín en el autobús.
I saw him coming with his briefcase under his arm. Lo vi viniendo con su maletín debajo del brazo.
I made him carry the briefcase. Le hice cargar con la maleta.
Tom left his briefcase on his desk. Tom dejó la maleta sobre su escritorio.
I was made to open my briefcase. Me obligaron a abrir mi maleta.
Reaching into his pocket, Dima pulled out a giant briefcase. Metiendo su mano en el bolsillo, Dima sacó una gigantesca maleta.
"How did you fit a briefcase into your pocket?!" the woman asked, stunned. - ¡¿Cómo ha conseguido meter una maleta dentro de su bolsillo?! -preguntó la mujer anonadada.
"I mean... my life," Dima said. "Anyway, there's 3,000,000 BYR in this briefcase." - Quiero decir... Mi vida -dijo Dima- Bueno, hay 3.000.000 BYR en esta maleta.
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