Sentence examples of "by mistake" in English

He hit me by mistake. Él me golpeó por error.
He took poison by mistake. Él tomó veneno por error.
I took your umbrella by mistake. Me llevé tu paraguas por error.
I have brought his umbrella by mistake. Yo me traje su paraguas por error.
An innocent man was arrested by mistake. Un hombre inocente fue arrestado por error.
They sent my suitcase to London by mistake. Enviaron mi maleta a Londres por error.
He picked up the wrong hat by mistake. Por error, cogió el sombrero equivocado.
She put salt into her coffee by mistake. Se echó sal en el café por error.
Excuse me for opening your letter by mistake. Perdóname por haber abierto tu carta por error.
He put salt into his cup of coffee by mistake. Por error puso sal en su café.
It appears to me that you put on my hat by mistake. Me parece que te has puesto mi sombrero por error.
I wasn't being mindful and got on a wrong bus by mistake. No ponía atención y por error subí al autobús equivocado.
By mistake I boarded a train going in the opposite direction. Por error yo abordé un tren que iba en la dirección opuesta.
I nearly made a mistake. Por poco cometo un error.
It was you that made the mistake! ¡Tú fuiste el que cometió el error!
I made an awful mistake in the test. En la prueba cometí un terrible error.
Do not mistake sin with crime. No confundas pecado con delito.
You have made the very same mistake again. Has cometido el mismo error otra vez.
We made a huge mistake. Nosotros cometimos un error enorme.
He discovered that he had made a mistake. Él descubrió que había cometido un error.
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