Sentence examples of "car wash" in English

I got him to wash my car for a hundred dollars. Lo hice lavar mi auto por cien dólares.
I wash my car in front of the house without any problems. Yo lavo mi auto en frente de mi casa sin ningún problema.
I think it's time for me to wash my car. Creo que es tiempo de que lave mi auto.
I'm going to wash my car. Voy a lavar mi coche.
He doesn't have to wash the car. Él no tiene que lavar el coche.
I want you to wash the car. Quiero que laves el coche.
I thought they were angry with me because I didn't help them wash the car. Pensaba que estaban enfadados conmigo porque no les ayudé a lavar el coche.
I saw him wash the car. Le vi lavar el coche.
Paula is going to wash the car tomorrow. Paula va a lavar el coche mañana.
Tom doesn't have to wash the car. Mary's already washed it. Tom no necesita lavar el auto. Mary ya lo lavó.
My father made me wash the car. Mi padre me hizo lavar el coche.
About how many times a month do you wash your car? ¿Aproximadamente cuántas veces al mes lavas tu coche?
When will you wash your car? - I think that during this week. ¿Cuándo te lavas su coche? - Durante la semana, creo.
They wash their car every Saturday. Ellos lavan su coche cada sábado.
My work is to wash my father's car. Mi trabajo es lavar el coche de mi padre.
Mike doesn't have to wash his mother's car today. Mike no tiene que lavar el coche de su madre hoy.
I can see a lady and two dogs in the car. Puedo ver a una mujer y a dos perros dentro del auto.
Wash your hands with soap. Lávate las manos con jabón.
You may use my car. Tu podrías usar mi auto.
We'll go wash ourselves in the river tomorrow. Iremos a lavarnos en el río mañana.
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