Sentence examples of "catch" in English with translation "capturar"

We set a trap to catch a fox. Pusimos una trampa para capturar a un zorro.
We've got to catch the lion alive. Debemos capturar vivo al león.
This is how they catch an elephant alive. Así es como capturan un elefante vivo.
They caught a bear alive. Ellos capturaron a un oso vivo.
The cat caught the rats. El gato capturó a las ratas.
The murderer was finally caught last night. El asesino finalmente fue capturado la noche anterior.
He ran away so he wouldn't be caught. Él huyó para no ser capturado.
A fox isn't caught twice in the same snare. Un zorro nunca es capturado dos veces con el mismo cepo.
We went hunting in the forest and caught two deer yesterday. Nosotros fuimos a cazar al bosque y ayer capturamos dos ciervos.
I heard that Tom had been smuggling drugs into America for years before he got caught. Oí que Tom había estado por años contrabandeando drogas a América antes de ser capturado.
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