Sentence examples of "complete happiness" in English

We want complete sentences. Queremos frases completas.
It is the greatest happiness in life to love and to be loved. Amar y ser amado es la mayor de las felicidades en esta vida.
John's business has turned out to be a complete failure. El negocio de John resultó ser un fracaso total.
"Happiness" is not a countable noun. It would make no sense to have 18 happinesses. "Felicidad" es un sustantivo incontable. No tendría sentido tener 18 felicidades.
The project was a complete failure. El proyecto era un fracaso completo.
Mary beamed her happiness. Mary irradiaba felicidad.
His work is now complete. Su trabajo está ahora completo.
I haven't found my little box of happiness yet. Todavía no encontré mi cajita de la felicidad.
He needed more time to complete the task. Necesitamos más tiempo para completar la tarea.
All her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment. Toda su felicidad imaginaria desapareció en un instante.
It only took us fifteen minutes to complete the job. Sólo nos llevó quince minutos completar la labor.
Does money bring happiness? ¿El dinero trae la felicidad?
Youths who are caught violating the new rules on behaviour will lose their right to free travel, and will have to complete unpaid community work to earn it back. Los jóvenes que sean pillados violando las nuevas normas de comportamiento perderán su derecho a viajar libremente y tendrán que completar trabajos comunitarios no remunerados para recuperar su derecho.
My heart was filled with happiness. Mi corazón desbordaba de felicidad.
My homework is nearly complete. Mi tarea está casi lista.
You can't buy happiness. La felicidad no puede comprarse.
Complete the sentence. Completa la frase.
The only way on Earth to multiply happiness is to divide it. La única forma en la Tierra de multiplicar la felicidad es dividirla.
My life is complete. Mi vida está completa.
God gives me happiness. Dios me da la felicidad.
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