Sentence examples of "corporal punishment" in English

I am against using death as a punishment. I am also against using it as a reward. Estoy en contra de usar la muerte como castigo. También estoy en contra de usarla como recompensa.
She took the punishment with a smile. Ella enfrentó el castigo con una sonrisa.
Their punishment was harsh, but just. Su castigo fue severo, pero justo.
Tom deserved the punishment. Tom se merecía el castigo.
Every crime calls for punishment. Todo crimen exige un castigo.
Tom certainly didn't deserve the punishment he received. Ciertamente Tom no merecía el castigo que recibió.
In my family, the punishment for lying was severe. En mi familia, el castigo por mentir era severo.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Nadie será sometido a torturas ni a penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes.
The punishment should be in proportion to the crime. El castigo debería ser proporcional al crimen.
I will abolish capital punishment. Voy a abolir la pena capital.
This time, you won't escape punishment. Esta vez no te vas a escapar del castigo.
A person who steals deserves punishment. El que roba merece castigo.
The punishment should be proportionate to the crime. Debería haber una proporción entre el castigo y el crimen.
He deserves the punishment. Se merece el castigo.
You can teach good manners to children without resorting to punishment. Tú puedes enseñar buenos modales a los niños sin recurrir al castigo.
I don't think that I deserved the punishment I got. Yo creo que no merecía el castigo que obtuve.
This time, you won't avoid your punishment. Esta vez no vas a eludir tu castigo.
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