Sentence examples of "difficulty" in English with translation "dificultad"

He is having difficulty breathing. Él tiene dificultad para respirar.
Pneumonia causes difficulty in breathing. La neumonía causa dificultades respiratorias.
Tom has difficulty making decisions. Tom tiene dificultades para tomar decisiones.
I finished my homework with difficulty. Acabé los deberes con dificultad.
Is he aware of the difficulty? ¿Es consciente de la dificultad?
They answered my questions with difficulty. Respondieron a mis preguntas con dificultad.
I managed to overcome the difficulty. Logré superar la dificultad.
Jim answered my question without difficulty. Jim respondió mi pregunta sin dificultad.
We met with an unexpected difficulty. Nos encontramos con una dificultad inesperada.
He found the school without difficulty. Encontró la escuela sin dificultad.
She did the work without any difficulty. Realizó el trabajo sin ninguna dificultad.
The dog slipped its collar without any difficulty. El perro se sacó el collar sin ninguna dificultad.
The old lady climbed the stairs with difficulty. La anciana subió las escaleras con dificultad.
I escaped from the sinking boat with difficulty. Con mucha dificultad escapé de un bote sumergiéndose.
He had no difficulty in finding the place. No tuvo ninguna dificultad en encontrar el lugar.
The old woman climbed the stairs with difficulty. La anciana subió las escaleras con dificultad.
If you have any difficulty, ask me for help. Si tienes alguna dificultad, pídeme ayuda.
Did you have any difficulty in finding my house? ¿Tuviste alguna dificultad para encontrar mi casa?
Tom and Mary accomplished their mission without any difficulty. Tom y Mary lograron su misión sin ninguna dificultad.
He had difficulty in finding his way to the hotel. Él tuvo dificultad para encontrar el camino hacia el hotel.
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