Sentence examples of "diner jacket" in English

Tom is sewing his jacket. Tom está cosiendo su chaqueta.
I don't like this jacket. No me gusta esta chaqueta.
I don't like the red jacket. No me gusta la chaqueta roja.
I got a new jacket yesterday. Compré una chaqueta nueva ayer.
I'm pleased with my new jacket. Estoy contento con mi nueva chaqueta.
She handed him his jacket. Ella le entregó su chaqueta.
Tom helped Mary take off her jacket. Tom le ayudó a Mary a quitarse la chaqueta.
He took out the wallet from his inside jacket pocket. Él se sacó la cartera del bolsillo interior de su chaqueta.
Take off your jacket if you're warm. Quítese la chaqueta si tiene calor.
I was given a new jacket. Me dieron una chaqueta nueva.
It's in my jacket pocket. Está en el bolsillo de mi chaqueta.
Tom took off his jacket and hung it up. Tom se sacó la chaqueta y la colgó.
He had a blue jacket on. Él llevaba un abrigo azul.
Do you like the jacket? ¿Le gusta la chaqueta?
Tom always keeps some aspirin in his jacket pocket. Tom siempre tiene algo de aspirina en el bolsillo de su chaqueta.
Take off your jacket because it's very hot. Quítate la chaqueta porque hace mucho calor.
Your jacket and tie don't go together. Tu chaqueta y tu corbata no combinan.
The cuffs of his suit jacket are badly frayed. Los puños de su saco son bastante deshilachados.
Tom handed Mary her jacket. Tom le pasó a Mary su chaqueta.
I want the same jacket as you are wearing. Quiero la misma chaqueta que llevas.
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