Sentence examples of "district judge" in English

We wandered aimlessly around the shopping district. Dimos vueltas sin rumbo por el barrio comercial.
You cannot buy that judge. No se puede sobornar a ese juez.
The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity. La central eléctrica manda electricidad hasta un distrito lejano.
"She would never judge her own accomplishments, but she has succeeded in achieving what she set out to do in her first year," the source said. "Ella nunca juzgaría sus propios logros, pero ha tenido éxito consiguiendo lo que se había propuesto hacer en su primer año", dice la fuente.
Apples are produced in this district. Las manzanas son producidas en este sector.
Don't judge a man by his appearance. No juzgues a un hombre por su apariencia.
I wouldn't want to be a judge. No me gustaría ser juez.
Don't judge each other by the color of the skin. No se juzguen el uno al otro por el color de su piel.
If you can't get a lawyer who knows the law, get one who knows the judge. Si no puedes conseguir un abogado que conozca la ley, consigue uno que conozca al juez.
The judge sentenced him to a year in prison. El juez lo sentenció a un año de prisión.
Don't judge people by their appearance. No juzgues a la gente por su apariencia.
They couldn't judge me. No me pudieron juzgar.
You can't judge a person based on clothing. No se puede juzgar a una persona por su ropa.
You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance. No deberías juzgar a una persona por su apariencia.
They appointed a judge. Designaron a un juez.
You shouldn't judge a person by his looks. No juzgues a las personas por su aspecto.
Who are you to judge? ¿Quién eres tú para juzgar?
Let's hang him first, we will judge him later sometime! ¡Colguémosle primero, ya le juzgaremos más tarde!
Don't judge a man by the clothes he wears. No juzgues a un hombre por la ropa que lleva.
Until the age of 21, children love their parents; at 25 they judge them, afterwards they forgive them. Hasta los veinticinco años, los niños quieren a sus padres; a los veinticinco les juzgan, después les perdonan.
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