Sentence examples of "fish" in English

This soup smacks of fish. Esta sopa sabe a pescado.
Is this fish still alive? ¿Sigue vivo el pez?
I caught three fish yesterday. Yo atrapé tres peces ayer.
He doesn't like fish. No le gusta el pescado.
I would like some fish. Querría algo de pescado.
It's not a fish. No es un pez.
I caught five fish yesterday. Ayer pesqué cinco peces.
This soup tastes like fish. Esta sopa sabe a pescado.
We often eat fish raw. Comemos pescado crudo a menudo.
Is the fish still alive? ¿El pez está vivo todavía?
Fish live in the water. Los peces viven en el agua.
My uncle deals in fish. Mi tío vende pescados.
I eat fish every week. Como pescado cada semana.
The fish wants to escape. El pez se quiere escapar.
Fish are cold-blooded animals. Los peces son animales de sangre fría.
They sell fish and meat. Ellos venden pescado y carne.
Tom doesn't eat fish. Tom no come pescado.
It isn't a fish. No es un pez.
A lot of fish perished. Murieron muchos peces.
I prefer fish to meat. Prefiero el pescado a la carne.
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