Sentence examples of "friends" in English with translation "amigo"

I have two foreign friends. Tengo dos amigos extranjeros.
Meg acquired many new friends. Meg consiguió muchos nuevos amigos.
Let's be friends forever. Seamos amigos para siempre.
Mike and Ken are friends. Mike y Ken son amigos.
Tom became friends with Mary. Tom se hizo amigo de Mary.
I want to remain friends Me gustaría que quedáramos cómo amigos
We have always been friends. Siempre hemos sido amigos.
I invited all my friends. He invitado a todos mis amigos.
The rich have many friends. Los ricos tienen muchos amigos.
Who are your closest friends? ¿Quiénes son tus amigos más cercanos?
My friends call me Ken. Mis amigos me llaman Ken.
We used to be friends. Solíamos ser amigos.
They got to be friends Tienen que ser amigos
I have lost my friends. He perdido a mis amigos.
We'll always be friends. Seremos amigos por siempre.
Me and him are friends. Él y yo somos amigos.
She has a few friends. Ella tiene unos cuantos amigos.
They're more than friends. Ellos son más que amigos.
Let's always be friends. Seamos amigos siempre.
Friends should help one another. Los amigos deben ayudarse mutuamente.
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