Sentence examples of "frightened" in English

The thunder frightened the students. El rayo asustó a los estudiantes.
As the three men entered the alley, a bird resembling a crow flew from the top a large beech tree as if he had been frightened. A medida que los tres hombres entraban al callejón, un pájaro similar a un cuervo salió volando de la punta de una gran haya como si se hubiera atemorizado.
The frightened boy's voice was shaking with terror. La horrorizada voz del chico estaba estremecida con el terror.
She stared at him with frightened eyes. Ella le miró fijamente con ojos temerosos.
The voices coming from the jungle frightened the explorers. Las voces provenientes de la jungla espantaron a los exploradores.
Never was she so frightened. Ella nunca había estado tan asustada.
She'd never been so frightened. Ella nunca había estado tan asustada.
She'd never been this frightened before. Ella nunca había estado tan asustada.
I was frightened when I saw that. Estaba asustado cuando vi eso.
Kate was frightened to see the big dog. Kate se asustó al ver al gran perro.
Your threats don't frighten me. No me asustan tus amenazas.
She is frightened of thunder. A ella le dan miedo los truenos.
Weren't you frightened of that dog? ¿No le tenías miedo a ese perro?
There is no need to be frightened. He won't harm you. No tienes por qué asustarte. No te hará daño.
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