Sentence examples of "going down" in English

I am going down the stairs. Voy bajando las escaleras.
The quality of rice is going down. La calidad del arroz está disminuyendo.
Tom is going down the stairs. Tom va bajando las escaleras.
She went down the stairs. Ella bajó las escaleras.
We went down by elevator. Bajamos en el ascensor.
I went down by elevator. Bajé en ascensor.
Mary went down to the kitchen. Mary bajó a la cocina.
I went down with the elevator Bajé en el ascensor.
I heard him go down the stairs. Lo oí bajar por las escaleras.
She went down to the fifth floor. Ella bajó al quinto piso.
The sun is going down behind the hill. El sol se está poniendo detrás de la colina.
I am going to lay down for a minute. Me voy a tumbar por un minuto.
Are you going to cut down all the trees here? ¿Vas a derribar todos los árboles de aquí?
This car is going to break down. Este coche se va a descomponer.
They're going to knock down that monument. Van a echar ese monumento por tierra.
It's a tempting offer but I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn you down. Es una oferta tentadora, pero me temo que voy a rechazarla.
Nobody's going to shed any tears if that old building gets torn down. Nadie va a derramar ni una lágrima si se destruye este viejo edificio.
Please write down what I am going to say. Por favor, escriba lo que voy a decir.
I wrote down his phone number lest I should forget it. Me apunté su número de teléfono para no olvidarlo.
I swear I was going to share it. Juro que lo iba a compartir.
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