Sentence examples of "had dinner" in English

Translations: all38 cenar38
Have you had dinner already? ¿Ya has cenado?
We had dinner at a restaurant. Cenamos en un restaurante.
He came and had dinner with us. Él vino y cenó con nosotros.
We saw the film and had dinner together. Vimos la película y luego cenamos juntos.
You can't be hungry. You've just had dinner. No puedes tener hambre. Acabas de cenar.
When was the last time you had dinner with your wife? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que cenaste con tu esposa?
Tom had meat loaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. Tom cenó pastel de carne y puré.
When she came inside, we had finished eating dinner. Cuando ella entró, habíamos terminado de cenar.
She is having dinner now. Ella está cenando ahora.
I usually have dinner at seven. Habitualmente ceno a las siete.
Will you have dinner with me? ¿Cenarías conmigo?
I wanna have dinner in a restaurant. Quiero cenar en un restaurante.
Here's where they usually have dinner. Es aquí donde suelen cenar.
Tom didn't have dinner last night. Tom no cenó ayer.
I want to have dinner at a restaurant. Quiero cenar en un restaurante.
I'd like to have dinner with you. Me gustaría cenar contigo.
I have dinner with Taninna almost every day. Ceno con Taninna casi todos los días.
Are you going to have dinner at home? ¿Vas a cenar en casa?
Why don't you have dinner with me tonight? ¿Por qué no cenas conmigo esta noche?
Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? ¿Te gustaría cenar conmigo esta noche?
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