Sentence examples of "hammer throw" in English

I keep my hammer in the toolbox. Yo dejo mi martillo en la caja de herramientas.
Please throw the ball. Por favor, lanza la bola.
With a hammer and nails in her hand, she headed straight here. Con un martillo y clavos en la mano, ella se dirigió directamente hacia acá.
I would rather throw the money away than give it to him. Preferiría regalar el dinero que dárselo a él.
To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Para un hombre con un martillo, todo se parece a un clavo.
Throw the papers in the basket. Eche los papeles en la cesta.
I need a hammer and half an hour by myself. Necesito un martillo y media hora a solas.
Don't throw in the towel. No tires la toalla.
I need a hammer. Me hace falta un martillo.
Don't throw anything on the floor. No tires nada al suelo.
"I see," said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw. —Ya veo —dijo el ciego, mientras cogía su martillo y su sierra.
When she was back, she said you were playing truant and they wanted to throw you out of the school. Cuando ella volvió, dijo que hacías novillos y que te iban a expulsar.
She hit me on the head with a hammer. Ella me pegó en la cabeza con un martillo.
Don't throw a ball against the wall. No lances la pelota contra la muralla.
He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer. Él accidentalmente se golpeó en el pulgar con el martillo.
I asked the boy to throw the ball back. Le pedí al muchacho la pelota de vuelta.
She hit him with a hammer. Ella le pegó con un martillo.
It is forbidden to throw things out of the window. Se prohíbe arrojar objetos por la ventanilla.
To the man who only has a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail. Para el hombre que solo tiene un martillo en su caja de herramientas, todos los problemas parecen clavos.
In spite of our encouragement he decided to throw in the towel. A pesar de los ánimos que le dábamos decidió rendirse.
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