Sentence examples of "have a good time" in English

Did you have a good time? ¿Te lo has pasado bien?
I hope you have a good time! ¡Espero que te diviertas!
I spend all my money in medicaments, but I have a good time. Gasto todo mi dinero en remedios, pero la paso bien.
Did you have a good time at the party? ¿Te divertiste en la fiesta?
Take care of yourself, and have a good time! ¡Cuídate, y diviértete!
Tom really had a good time. Tom realmente se la pasó bien.
I had a good time too. Yo también me divertí.
Are you having a good time? ¿La estás pasando bien?
I had a good time yesterday. Ayer me divertí mucho.
We are having a good time. La estamos pasando bien.
We had a good time last night. Nos divertimos mucho anoche.
John is having a good time. John se lo está pasando bien.
I hope you had a good time at the party. Espero que te hayas divertido mucho en la fiesta.
Tom had a good time in Boston. Tom se lo pasó bien en Boston.
They are having a really good time. Ellos están divirtiéndose mucho.
She had a good time talking with him. Ella se lo pasó bien hablando con él.
We had a very good time last night. Anoche nos divertimos mucho.
Tom had a good time talking with Mary. Tom la pasó bien hablando con Mary.
I had a good time at the party. La pasé bien en la fiesta.
Tom could tell by that smile on Mary's face that she had had a good time at the party. Tom podía adivinar por la sonrisa en la cara de Mary que ella se lo había pasado bien en la fiesta.
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